Friday, May 30, 2008

Matthew Skate Shoot

Went out and shot Matthew skating around yesterday afternoon. Followers of VexPix might remember him from the Shoot with the little boys on skateboards. He came out that day too. Yesterday was way to hot. I thought with it being mostly cloudy it wouldn't be as hot. NOPE! Hot and Humid. You gotta love the south.

Anyway. Enjoy these of Matthew, and mosey on over to VexPix for a few more.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I think I figured out how I will handle "movie reviews" from here on out. I will say if I liked it, would I see it again, and where. The where is an important part of how a movie is viewed. I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull at the Trussville Regal 16. Nice theatre. The seats are pretty nice and plenty of leg room. I have to have my leg room, not that I am a tall guy by any means, but I like to stretch my legs out.

I LOVED the movie. It is cheesy. It does have some corny lines. The plot is ridiculous, but who cares? It has Harrison Ford in a Fedora and whip!

It kills me the people that are not enjoying this movie because it isn't realistic, plausible, or more character driven. WHAT? Did you miss the first three movies? Have you not seen them since you were eight?

Spielberg has said on multiple occasions that the Indy movies are meant to be a throw back to Saturday afternoon pulp fiction movies of the fifties and sixties. These were the movies he loved to watch as a kid. That's why he made Indy. He honors those movies' memory with Indy.

Take the eight year old inside you to see this movie. That kid will love it if no one else does.

Such a Slacker!

Yes, I am a slacker. Well, when it comes to posting to this thing I am. I have shot several portraits and a wedding in the past week. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Wow! I just noticed I had a totally random comment from someone I don't know.

Thank you so much for the comment!

Yes! I have readership of ONE!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is it that hard?

Sometimes I love Ebay, and sometimes I hate it. I ordered a strobe from ebay two months ago, and I have yet to hear from the seller. I sent multiple emails to the seller, and even started the paypal process of contesting the transaction.

Fast forward to today. My package finally came today! Look at this idiocy.

I blurred the names and addresses to protect the innocent and the idiotic.

Maybe she had tons of stamps sitting around the house. Maybe she likes cougars. Maybe she is a little slow. Really is it that big of a deal to go to the post office and pay for proper postage for a package that should have been mailed several weeks ago.

Not the way I like to conduct business.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ants! Ants! Ants!

Yep, I am no myrmecologist, but it looked like two colonies were attacking each other on my mailbox today. I whipped out my macro lens, and popped a few shots off before I had to go to the DMV. On a side note, I hate going to the DMV.

Blair and Sam

I took senior pictures of Sam and Blair this past weekend. Here are a few shots. We had a blast.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Two Beautiful Girls

I am going to let these pictures speak for themselves.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Two shoots

I know, I know. I promised more posts more often. I have been so busy processing the shots from my wedding last weekend. LOVE them. I would post them, but the bride and groom have yet to see any of those. They are still off on some island somewhere. These two shots today are from Wednesday and Thursday. I am taking Sam's senior pictures Sunday, and I found a field of flowers that I wanted to shoot before somebody decided to cut them all down.

Then, Crys needed some shots for Swollen Skateboards. As always check out Vex Pix's myspace account for more pictures.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Always learning

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time, and shake the person's hand who coined the phrase, "You learn something new every day."

It is a beautiful think to think about. Some new piece of information floats into our lives, and teaches us something everyday. Granted we might not be open to learn what is right in front of us, but it is there.

I am a firm believer in the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Imagine what this world would be like if we treated other people as we would want to be treated.

I try my best to treat others as I would want to be treated. I see that as my small piece of making the world better.

No matter when you read this, try and do something out of the ordinary for someone else today. If nothing else it will make you feel better.

Laurel and Jim

Minus Jim. Well minus Jim in these shots.

Laurel has been a friend for a LONG time. I am so glad she found Jim. Great people both of them. I love them to death.

Here are two of my favorite shots so far. I have gone through a third of the 2100 photos!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Go see it!

I don't/can't say anything about it. Trust me! Go see it now!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Fear the H!

Fear the H! is a project J'Mel, Sam, and myself have been working on for the past year. We said we would write a short story a day for 365 days. I think we are somewhere around 243 right now. That means if you wander over to you have access to 729 stories, or there about. I know both J'Mel and I have moved in the past year and we lost a day or two. So, that count might be a little off.

I do have to warn you, dear reader, that blog contains everything from foul language, poor grammar, poor spelling, bad ideas, and awesome stories. We knew they wouldn't, or should I say couldn't, all be good. I have to say in our defense a good number of them are very good.

They are all written usually in one sitting, and are usually first drafts, being as we don't have time for rewrites.

I thought I would start posting my stories here as well to help cross polinate as well as give my blog at least one post a day.

With out further ado here is my short story 243:

Time for a little behind the scenes. I get asked, “Pete where do you get your wacky story ideas?”

At this point, I usually laugh and slap my knee. Sometimes I place a comforting hand on their shoulder and say, “None of your business.” There are usually stares and occasionally a nervous glance around the room, at which point I would laugh and say, “Oh, you know Pete can’t keep his secrets to himself.”

I would then gather them around, and tell them all my wondrous stories of magic elves and unicorns visiting me. They bring me story nuggets that I keep in my coat pocket until they are ready to hatch. Story nuggets one day grow up to be real stories.

The kids ooh and ahh. I get a kick out of it and everybody is happy. That is until they realize I had an associate of mine steal their wallets!

Impromptu shoot

I had an impromptu shoot last Wednesday with Joy. She was nice enough to humor me on a day I would have usually spent sitting on the couch or playing on the internet. Here are two shots from that shoot.