Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well, I sit out on the balcony overlooking the ocean, wind blowing my hair, and I am freezing. Thanks Gustav.

I won't leave early. I just might be stuck inside. Maybe some pictures of it tomorrow. If we have power.

I really should post the pictures of the tree that fell on our deck last week. I have a neat story about it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Quite the weekend

I had quite a wild and productive weekend. Amberly and I went to the theatre on Thursday. Friday, Amberly went to Sips and Strokes with some friends and Chad and I went to see Xiu Xiu at the Bottletree. I took a camera and caught some interesting photos in the dark.

Saturday, we went to see J'Mel perform improv. Tons of fun. They have another show next Saturday if anyone can make it you should. The are performing at the Birmingham Festival Theatre. Go check it out!

Finally, on Sunday I helped my father in law pull a tree off of his house. You know just a regular weekend!

Friday, August 22, 2008

My Little Bro

My little brother is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Sao Paul, Brazil Mission.

I found this picture of him on my hard drive while I was looking for some other pictures. I don't know what is going on with the funky lens flare, but I like it. I think it captures him very well. If anyone wants to write him while he is gone here is his current address:

Elder Benjamin Scott Bradberry,
Brazil MTC,
District 31-A Box 38,
Rua Padre Antonio D'Angelo 121,
Casa Verde,
CEP 02516-040 Sao Paulo SP,

Make sure if you write him to put your return address on the backside of the envelope. For some reason if the return address is on the front they just return it to sender.

He would LOVE to hear from anybody. Even if he doesn't know the sender.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Some of my Favorite Blogs

I have several blogs that read on a regular basis. I thought I would share a few of them with my readers.

Cakewrecks has professional cakes gone wrong.

Photoshop Disasters has professional images and graphics gone horribly wrong.

The Wooster Collective is a collection of street art from around the world.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My beautiful wife

Amberly and I went out to a park near our house to take some pictures this past weekend. Yep the same park with the guys sword fighting from yesterday's post. Here are a few of us. All taken with the help of the on camera timer.

Biggest dork EVER!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Knights in the Park

Yes, Knights in the park. Amberly and I went out to a park near our house to take some pictures of her all pregnant, and we saw these guys in the park.

I don't know what they were doing other than beating each other with fake swords, and yelling alot.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blog Layout

I must apologize to my two readers. I am attempting to find a layout that I like, and feel express my message visually. Yes, I know I hear what the people are saying. They say, "Pete, but you don't know what your message is. How can you express your message visually if you don't know your message?"

My reply would be, "I know. It is just a secret."

Please let me know what you think as the format changes. I want something simple, yet visually appealing. It also needs to be easily accessible for multiple browser formats as well as computer formats.

I use Apple products as well as the Mozilla product Firefox. I know that the majority of the planet doesn't use the products I use so I need to be aware of design problems and viewing compatibilities across different platforms.

If anyone ever has issues viewing any of my content please contact me so that I may rectify the problem.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Geeky Family

My wife and I are such geeks. We have been slightly obsessed with the Olympics this go round. We watch at least some Olympics every night. The past few nights we have played board games while we watch. Last night we decided to play Lord of the Rings Monopoly. It is just the same as regular Monopoly just has locations from the Lord of the Rings universe in place of the traditional locations.

These first pictures were from about Midnight.

The notes are to help explain the progress of the game. Please note the Giant Chewy Nerds. I LOVE these things. I bought two cases of those bad boys from You might ask, "Why do you need so much candy?"

My reply would be, "I have a huge sweet tooth, and it is so much cheaper to buy my candy by the case."

Also note she seems to be ahead.


Yes, 2 am we are still playing, and watching the Olympics. Team USA kept winning more medals. As for our game, the tide has turned! I am ahead money wise, but she has the advantage with properties. I need to gain a little more money, and then I can start re-stacking my properties.

We had to shut down shop and go to bed. The game will continue tonight. Who will win?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jack and Ammon

I did a shoot today with my sister and her two boys. We took some pictures and then we played all afternoon. Great day! I haven't got through all the photos yet, but I did catch this one shot of jack running through some fountains. I was shooting in burst mode attempting to keep up with him. He slipped and the camera went off as I ran toward him.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nichole and David

I did some shots of Nichole and David for their Senior portraits a few days ago. They were a blast to work with. I got ate up by mosquitoes. I still have the bites on my ankles. Check out more from them any many more at my myspace account.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Daniel Cutcliffe for Faith

These are a couple shots I did for Faith Skate Supply. Daniel Cutcliffe is one of two guys from Alabama in SLAP magazine's One in a Million competition. I have not met the other Alabamian Alan Poole, but everyone should go vote for these guys!

The Olympics

I love the Olympics. I am not a huge sports fan, but I can watch the Olympics all day. It doesn't really matter the sport or even the countries involved. Right now, I am watching Team USA play the Chinese team in basketball. It is half time and we lead.

They just showed the women's 10 meter air pistol event and a woman from The Republic of Georgia won the gold and Russia won the silver. Their countries are having an armed conflict currently, but these two hugged it out once it was over. I just love sportsmanship. Look! We are running a tight game in soccer right now. Half time is almost over!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yo! It's me!

That's me realizing that the one way glass is cool for getting a picture of me and Faith's new shop at the same time.

I might post a few of those shop shots soon.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Big things

Well, I think they will be big things. Shot a few days ago that might wind up in a magazine. I will keep everyone of my two readers posted. For those who don't know, my wife is pregnant! We will be parents somewhere around the 19th of November. A little girl at that!

If anyone has any ideas for names let us know.