Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Diary of the Dead and Doomsday

Saw a double feature this afternoon with J'Mel. Diary of the Dead and then Doomsday.

Both were fun post-apocalyptic looks at the future.

Diary of the Dead marks Romero's return to the traditional slow zombie. Awesome! Go check it out in a theatre if you can. It had a limited release, and I don't expect it to last long in Birmingham. There were four people at the viewing we attended.

Doomsday was a mix of Mad Max and 28 Days later. Not bad. It reminded me of those old action movies that would come on NBC mid afternoon in the late 80s to early 90s. Good stuff. Lots of gore and screaming.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Why do people want to talk to me in uncomfortable locations?

I don't know if it is because I am an approachable guy or what, but people will come up and talk to me in the strangest locations.

Today was a prime example. I stopped at a fast food establishment to use the restroom, and Milton from Office Space stops me. It is strange and uncomfortable to talk to another male in the restroom, but when that male is Milton from Office Space the level of weird is upped ten fold.

I have to give him credit. He came out of the stall, and went right to the sink to wash up. Niiice. It was in this swift movement that he asked, "Hey, do I know you? You look familiar."

I think part of my problem stems from the fact that I am way to nice. I said, "No, I don't think so."
He then asks, "Where are you from? I know all my regulars, and you aren't one." It was at this point that I noticed he was the manager for this fast food establishment. I told him my home town and he replied, "Nope, never been there. Where you live now?" I told him a small town a few miles away. He shook his head and replied, "Nope, never make it over there either."

At this point, he turns from the air dryer to leave, and says, "You just got one of those familiar faces."

For the record, I would like to state that this was a small restroom, the single stall was occupied by a small boy with extremely thick glasses that made his eyes appear huge, and I had to go REAL bad.

I love small town Alabama. No really, I do.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

What I see

Why anyone would want to see what I see is beyond me, but blogs seems to be an important part of networking these days. I doubt this blog will see much traffic.

I am a photographer, editor, videographer, film maker, film watcher, Jellybean connoisseur, and all around human. I shoot people with a camera. Weddings, live bands, portraits and anything else that wanders in front of my lens.

I will share some of my photography, shorts, animation, movie reviews, food reviews, and possibly any random thoughts that pop into my head.

That is if you wanted to know a little bit about me.